Tuesday, 29 September 2020

The 'Apple' doesn't fall far from 'Jobs'

I cannot imagine my life without the iPhone I used to own. Fascinated by iPhones ever since I laid my hands on one, I have for a long time, wanted to own an iPhone. I used to own the iPhone 6s. Might I tell you, I was the happiest girl on Earth when I had it with me. After a point of time, it had its own issues, and I had to stop using it. That couldn't deter me from wanting to buy the latest iPhone (when I have a job, of course). 
When we talk about Apple, we cannot not talk about Steve Jobs as well. The founder of Apple, he is one of the major reasons why it is a successful and iconic brand that we see today. One of the greatest examples that show how influential a man Steve Jobs was can be seen when Bill Gates, his greatest rival, offered Jobs 120 million dollars when Apple was about to fail. If you can influence your arch-rival to save your company, you can only imagine the power and charisma Jobs possessed.
A man with a dynamic personality, he built the empire of Apple, which has become the most valuable tech company in the world. With the help of his influential power, Jobs has made people work very hard for him. Through his words, he used to get the things he wanted. Several years after his death, he continues to be an inspiration for lakhs of people around the world. 
With its inception in 1980, Apple II, which was Apple's first successful computer, Apple only started to grow. Apple's brand story is known to almost everyone. While working in Atari, Jobs forged a friendship with Steve Wozniak. He later on came to know that Wozniak had built a prototype for a home computer ie, Apple I. Jobs showed interest in commercializing it, and the rest as you know, is history. 
Although a premium brand, Apple thrives on simplicity. It strategizes itself as a brand with emotion, which is paired along with forward-thinking, creative technology. Apple has a religious fan base that follows their releases. The aura of secrecy that surrounds their brand is played to their advantage, as it keeps both the tech-savvy people and the commoners interested alike. Like I said before, I don't want an iPhone because of its features, I want it because its an iPhone. 
But what are the reasons that made Apple the iconic and successful brand that it is today?
One of the major reasons like mentioned before is Steve Jobs. With Jobs' innovative and cunning strategies, Apple wouldn't have become so famous. We also have to realize that Apple's advertisements play a major role in them becoming so popular. Sophisticated yet simple, the ads effectively convey their thoughts to the consumers. And hence, the huge and still growing fan base. 
They have a wide array of products that attract people from all spheres. It includes the iPhone, Mac, iPad, and even the iPod. The rumors of the arrival of the iPhone 12 have all fans excited.
The experience of going to a retail store of Apple is almost other-worldly. Apple products are not sold anywhere else. They are only sold in their own shops. This just adds to the premium feel that is Apple.
Lastly, its business plan is new and changes according to the time. It understands the market and changes respectively.
Like, Apple always says, "Think Different" and you may never know what you end up discovering.

Sources Cited
  • 'Jobs', 2013, Open Road Films, Joshua Micheal Stern
  • https://www.bynder.com/en/blog/the-worlds-most-valuable-brand-apples-secret-to-success/#:~:text=Branding%20lessons%20from%20Apple,America's%20first%20%24700%20billion%20company.
  • https://beloved-brands.com/tag/the-apple-brand-story/
  • https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/012815/how-steve-jobs-changed-world.asp
  • https://sites.psu.edu/leadership/2016/03/23/steve-jobs-the-man-the-influence-and-the-power/#:~:text=Steve%20Jobs%20however%20had%20an,He%20had%20a%20dynamic%20personality.&text=He%20had%20the%20influence%20to,founder%20to%20hold%20people%20accountable.
  • https://www.lifewire.com/what-makes-apple-so-special-and-desirable-2373223#:~:text=The%20Steve%20Jobs%20Brand&text=Almost%20inseparable%20from%20the%20image,define%20the%20modern%20mobile%20category.

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